Friday, April 4, 2014

Abby and Marseille

We are able to spend some more time with Abby in her city, Marseille.  We do a little city site seeing and then head out of the city to Les Calanques National Park for some hiking.  She actually lives in the park.  Then on to her dorm where we see where she is calling home and meet some of her new friends.  All is well!  While there Robert hears someone playing guitar and wonders down the hall to make a new friend who kindly lets him's been hard for Robert to go this long without playing.

1 comment:

  1. You guys have wonderful pictures. I was curious if Robert was having guitar withdrawals. Glad he got to play some!! I know you will miss Johnny and Angela. They sounded exhausted when they got home. Paul had texted Johnny and he said they were heading straight to bed. Love you guys. Keep having fun.
