Monday, March 31, 2014

Bayeux and the D-Day Beaches

buying pastries before catching the train
We left Amboise heading to Normandy area, town of Bayeux.  Abby met us soon after we arrived, walked around town, visited Notre Dame of bayeux then had dinner at the doomsday cafe.  we rented a car and headed north to the d-day beaches.  started out at Arromanches where there was a four mile long breakwater 1 and 1/2 miles offshore built within the first few days of the d-day invasion. walked on the bluff to see the beaches east and west.  the Allies landing on the Western beaches were from Canada and England the Americans landed in Omaha and Utah beaches.   we went to the German guns battery for German casements that were built to guard against Seaborn attack which was all part of Hitler's Atlantic Wall that stretched from from the Pyrenees to Norway. we went to the Normandy American Cemetery and memorial. it was very emotional and sits above Omaha Beach.  Utah Beach was next and the Utah beach landing Museum.  robert's father James Forcum landed here 2 days after the d- day.  he was wounded about one month later and taken out of active combat sent to England as an assistant to an officer.  We then went to Ste-mere Eglise about 15 minutes north of Utah beach to see the church where a paratrooper dangled from the church  for 2 hours before being found.



1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having a great time! Beautiful scenery! If you get bored, you can visit our blog and look at what we've been up to.
