Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Our remaining days in Florence

We have enjoyed walking the cities of Rome and now Florence.  Cities without skyscrappers are really nice!  We spent time at the Church of Santa Croce where the remains of some notables are stashed (Michelangelo, Galilei, Dante, and Machiavelli among them).  I'm glad we don't keep bodies or body parts inside our churches any longer. 

We wandered across the river and up to Michelangelo park.  While looking at our map and picking out landmarks, a young Italian man started helping us.   With the help of our language phrase book, we made another friend and learned some interesting things sbout Forence. On up the hill   we find a Franciscan monestary and another church.  And more great views of Florence.  Loving Florence and could stay another week, but there's more to see and do.   Tomorrow we take the train to Venice.

A copy of David keeps watch over Forence.

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