Saturday, March 8, 2014


We arrived in Rome, tired from a long, sleepless flight.  After finding our apartment, we did some exploring before enjoying a midday rest.  Since then, we have stayed busy walking the city and taking in the sights.  Rome is a wonderful city.  Everyone has their favorite part, mine is old Rome...the Colosseum, Forum, & Palintine Hill.  It takes my breath...I could spend days there.  Photos are no good as they cannot capture the feeling.

It took us a while to acclimate, but we are getting the hang of it now.  As we walk into a street with cars and motorcycles coming towards us and knowing they will stop, we secretly smile at the new tourists who wait on the street corners to cross.

We are having a difficult time finding time to blog. I guess that is a good thing.
 Arrivederci for now.

courtyard outside our room

At the Forum

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