Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Alps

We head for the hills.  The big hills!  First night spent in Aosta and a drive to Breull-Cervinia to attemp a view of Mount Cervinia/Matterhorn.  Not good view, but nice alpine town and snowing.  Next day a bus, via the tunnel under Mount Bianca/Mount Blanc to Chamonix, France for a couple of days.  This is a very beautiful skiing village and it snowed off and on the entire visit.  Not great views of Mt. Blanc though.  We manage to have a great time anyway.

what we're not seeing...


  1. Looks cold and wet but really pretty. Tell Johnny his pictures are gigantic on email. I have better luck seeing you guys here. Have fun without me!!!

  2. The pictures are great. I am glad you are having a great time-I can't believe you can have such a good time without me time I'm going
